About Company
Al Wasl University founded in 1986 is a private institution of higher education located in metropolis of Dubai. It is a part of Juma Al Majid Entities basically a charity kind of organizations .Alwasl University offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized degrees of higher education in several fields of study. Al wasl university provides students with several academic and non-academic facilities and services, including library and administrative services.
Challenges and Opportunities
- All the processes of Al Wasl University were managed manually depending on MS Office templates.
-Lack of student and faculty management.
- Lack of online learning & online payment solutions.
- Lack of accurate data & reporting.
- Old design for the school website.
- Lack of collaboration among inter-departments & team.
- Challenge in managing the academic services and courses.
Solution and Project Scope
The solution automated the following business processes :
- University Website
- Full Fledged Educational Management System including:
- Admission management
- Timetable management
- Attendance management
- Student academic activities
- Student Portal
- Exam management
- Student services
- Student operation (enrollment suspension , re enrollment …etc )
- Graduation management
-Total Back Office support including full ERP solutions:
- Finance & Accounting
- Inventory Management
- Purchase Management
- Expense Management
- HR Management
- Payroll Management
- Employee Self Service
-Mobile Apps for student, faculties and administrative services.
-Successful full automation of all university academic & back office processes.
- Real-time Information and feasibility on all university transactions & data.
- 360-Degree View of Business Operations.
-24/7 website, student portal & employees self service
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