Odoo Project Management System

Nowadays everyone’s life is getting busier and as time passes our priorities keep on changing every now and then and work for piles up. Just having the To-do lists and sticky notes don’t help us anymore because we are so busy that we even forget to notice them. The businesses and hence the work is growing so fast that it requires a speedy and quick task fix.

So, In the given scenario, Odoo Project Management System
that can sync across your desktop, tablet, and phone apps is exactly what you need to stay on top of your goals, priorities, and everyday tasks. These management tools provide you the absolute freedom to manage your tasks/ activities sitting from anywhere in the world.

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Project Management System

Nowadays everyone’s life is getting busier and as time passes our priorities keep on changing every now and then and work for piles up. Just having the To-do lists and sticky notes don’t help us anymore because we are so busy that we even forget to notice them. The businesses and hence the work is growing so fast that it requires a speedy and quick task fix.

So, In the given scenario, a task management tool that can sync across your desktop, tablet, and phone apps is exactly what you need to stay on top of your goals, priorities, and everyday tasks. These management tools provide you the absolute freedom to manage your tasks/ activities sitting from anywhere in the world.


Odoo Project Management or Odoo task management is associated with the creation and tracking of everyday tasks/activities from start to finish. It revolves around various activities like arranging tasks on their priority basis, real-time assigning the tasks across teammates, and also setting deadlines to ensure work happens on time.

Appsgate delivers diversified, innovative, and quality deliverables in the area of Odoo project management module. The Project Management Applications designed in the Odoo platform provides a unique way for task conduction and management. Our applications create a strong platform for team members to manage their day’s schedule, hence making them more productive, enthusiastic, and effective.

Our Project Management Applications and Tools perfectly match the fast-paced business work cycle in a unique and refreshing manner. Our wizard tool allows you to work smarter and faster while keeping your actual goal picture in mind. We get you a processed platform for conducting your work, what all you need to do is simply drag and drop your tasks into colorful categories. Our personalized dashboards provide you meaningful visuals to give you complete visibility of your ongoing/current actions and analyze where your time is best spent.

It will help you to quickly indicate the urgency, effort, and timescale of each of your tasks. Our Odoo Project Management System also ensures that everybody’s work is carried in the simplest and stress-free environment along with ensuring efficient and effective utilization of team members. Our Odoo Project Management System is self-sufficient in carrying out every task related to work allocation across the team, sharing files, and saving notes in one unified and collaborative space.

Our Odoo Project Management Applications are modern, unique, and powerful. It allows you to carry out Project Planning, tracking them, and real-time completion using Odoo ERP, hence satisfying all the business needs of new generation companies. Our odoo project management module assists you in every step of project management including project scoping, resource assignment, cost and revenue planning, risk and communication management, etc.

Our diversified and independent applications in Odoo Platform for project management encompasses Task Deadline Reminder which automates the task of sending deadline notification to the designated authority, Essential Project Report including the advanced PDF and XLS reports for a project along with their filtrations, Subtasks for implementing and effectively carrying out the project subtasks, Project Status Report offering visual representations on project analysis, Lifeline For Task helping with tracing the project progressions, Project Task Timer for time management in project carrying, Workload in Project assisting better employee management, etc. As you can make out easily, all our applications are diverse and unique.

  • Project Module:

The Odoo Project module is a powerful tool designed to manage and track projects within the Odoo ERP system. It provides a comprehensive set of features to plan, organize, and monitor project activities, tasks, and resources. The Odoo Project module provides a comprehensive solution for managing projects within the Odoo ERP ecosystem. It helps businesses plan, execute, and monitor projects effectively, improving collaboration, resource management, and project success.

Here are some key features of the Odoo Project module:

  • Project Planning and Organization: Create projects and define their scope, objectives, and timelines. Organize projects into different stages or phases for better project management.
  • Task Management: Break down projects into smaller tasks and subtasks. Assign tasks to team members, set deadlines, and track task progress. Use kanban or list views to visualize and manage tasks efficiently.
  • Gantt Chart: Utilize the interactive Gantt chart view to visualize project timelines, dependencies, and task schedules. Drag and drop tasks to adjust timelines and manage project resources effectively.
  • Resource Allocation: Assign resources, such as team members, equipment, or materials, to tasks and projects. Manage resource availability and avoid overallocation or conflicts.
  • Time Tracking: Record and track time spent on project tasks and activities. Monitor project progress based on actual hours worked and compare it against planned estimates.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Foster collaboration among project team members through real-time communication and file sharing within the project module. Add notes, attachments, and comments to tasks for better collaboration.
  • Project Templates: Create project templates to streamline the creation of similar projects in the future. Save time by reusing predefined project structures, tasks, and settings.
  • Document Management: Store and organize project-related documents, files, and attachments in a centralized location. Access documents easily and share them with relevant stakeholders.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Generate project-related reports, such as task progress reports, resource allocation reports, or project timelines. Analyze project performance, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions.
  • Integration with Other Odoo Modules: Seamlessly integrate the Project module with other Odoo modules like Timesheets, Sales, Accounting, or HR to streamline project-related processes and data sharing.